Ich hab "Ereignisse" geschrieben, nicht weil es elitärer klingt, sondern weil "Veranstaltungen" nicht ganz in die Überschrift reinpaßte.
"Bangkok und Umgebung" bedeutet nicht, daß ich die "Umgebung" eng sehe, aber in der Regel bekomme ich nur Termine aus dieser Gegend rein. Wer aber auch andere Veranstaltungen kennt: Her damit!
Musikveranstaltungen bekomme ich auf englisch und gebe sie auch so weiter, weil es nicht viel Sinn hat, Veranstaltungstabellen zu übersetzen, da sollte jeder erraten können, was wann wo ist. Goetheinstitut, Thai-Deutsche Gesellschaft und anderes kommen dagegen meistens deutsch.
Weitere Information: http://www.bangkokmusicsociety.org/Directory.html . http://www.thaiticketmajor.com/index_eng.php . http://www.nancychandler.net/cityevent.asp
Wegbeschreibung zu vielen Veranstaltungsorten: http://www.forumthailandtip.com/index.php?topic=1162.0
Die aktuellste Information hat meistens Gavin Wills auf seiner "AngloInfo"-Seite: http://bangkok.angloinfo.com/information/whatsontoday.asp
What's On throughout the Bangkok region with events, music, sport and more…
Goethe-Institut oft mit eigenwilligem Deutsch und unkorrigiert, aber besser als nix: http://www.goethe.de/ins/th/ban/deindex.htm
http://www.bkkevent.com/ (Tip von ODIN007, danke!) deckt auch die Khaosan Road ab und zeigt sogar Termine, wo der Eintritt für Mädels gratis und für Jungs teuer ist ...
Aktuelle Fernsehsendungen mit Thailand- und Asienbezug: Hier macht SITANJA einen klasse Job:
Stand: 23. September 2012[/size]
Now-21 November -- Art
Untamed Art Expo @ Leapfrog
An exhibition of paintings and sculptures of 10 V64 artists
Daily, Ramada Encore Bangkok 21 Sukhumvit Soi 10
8, 15, 22 November -- Art
67th National Museum Volunteers Lecture Series
9:30 & 11 AM, National Museum Auditorium
Learn to separate fact from fiction while being lectured about the rich history of Thai-Burmese Relations.
Build your understanding of Buddhist chanting in a temple.
Get a first hand report on the challenges of preserving Thai heritage buildings.
Learn the essentials that you need to know about Thai classical music.
These are just some of the exciting and diverse topics that you can enjoy during November.
Following is a schedule of the lectures. Refreshments will be served. Doors open at 9 AM.
Donations are as follows:
•Non-Members/day 400 THB
•Non-Members/series 1500 THB
•Members/day 200 THB
•Members/series 700 THB
8 November
9:30 -- The History of Thai-Burmese Relations - Separating Facts from Fiction: Sunait Chutintaranond-Director of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University
11:00 -- Rice - Much More than Food: Kwanchai A. Gomez-Exec. Dir. of Thai Rice Foundation under Royal Patronage
15 November
9:30 -- The English Factory in Ayutthaya (1612-1685) - Initiating 400 Years of Anglo-Thai Relations: Dhiravat na Pombejra
11:00 -- Chanting - The Language of Reflection: Bhante Kantasilo, Ann Marie French-Cushing
22 November
9:30 -- Challenges of Heritage Management in Thailand: Grittip Sirirattumrong
11:00 -- Roles of Lanna Music & Artists in an Articulation of Lanna Cultural Identity: Thitinan B. Common, Dhurakij Pundit University
12:15 -- The Legend of Gender Diversity in Thai Society: Prempreeda Pramot Na Ayutthaya
Register online at http://www.museumvolunteersbkk.net or email lectureseriesnmv@gmail.com
Now-30 November -- Art
Roma Amor
A photography exhibition by Mino La Franca
Tue-Sat 10 AM-7 PM, La Lanta Fine Art, 245/14 Sukhumvit Soi 31
Now-2 December -- Art
A Woman's Dream of the Night Sky
Cast acrylic collage prints by Lisa Moses
9:30 AM-5:00PM, Tue-Sun, Neilson Hays Library, 195 Surawong Rd
7 November -- Vocal
TSSO Concert & Musicals
The Thailand Sanctuary Symphony Orchestra is conducted by Dr Ashley Williams and features vocalists Mongkol and Duangdao Chayasirisobhon and Supakorn Sripromtong
7:30 PM, Siam Ratchada Auditorium Fortune Town -- 500, 250 Students
7. November 2012 um 19:30 Uhr.
Sea of Solitude
Violinist Tasana Nagavajara and pianist Pornphan Banternghansa
Tasana Nagavajara / Violine
Pornphan Banternghansa / Piano
(Gespräch in englischer Sprache mit dem Komponisten Saksri Pang Vongtaradon vor dem Konzert um 18:30)
The Siam Society, Bangkok
Eintritt: 300 Baht, 50 Baht für Studenten
Reservierungen: The Siam Society Tel: 02-661-6470-7 Fax. 02-258-3491
Oder per E-Mail an info@siam-society.org, http://www.siam-society.org
Faculty of Music, Silpakorn University und The Siam Society Under the Royal Patronage präsentieren ein Konzert für Violine und Piano von Tasana Nagavajara und Pornphan Banternghansa. Das Programm beinhaltet die Sonate in G-Dur, Op. 78, von Johannes Brahms und die Sonate in D-Dur, Op. 94a, von Sergei Prokofiev. Darüber hinaus wird das Duo die Weltpremiere von “Sea of Solitude” das prominenten Bangkoker Jazzpianisten Saksri Pang Vongtaradon aufführen.
9-10 November -- Orchestra
TPO 8th Season Opening Concert
The TPO conducted by Gudni Emilsson features violinist Aiman Mussakhajayeva
9th-7 PM, 10th-4 PM, Music Auditorium Mahidol University Salaya -- 500, 300, 100 Students
10 November -- Arts/Crafts
ThaiCraft Fair
Over 60 craft groups from villages nationwide present thousands of top-quality craft products
9:30 AM-1 PM, Rajendra Hall, International School Bangkok
11 November -- Stage/Auditions
Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward
Auditions are open to the public for 5 female and 2 male roles
1 PM, British Club -- for signup info please go to Calendar Details and click on Stage
11 November -- Chamber Music
Ibycus Sunday Concert Series
Cellist Yukihisa Nakagawa and pianist Asuka Muraoka play Saint-Saens, Brahms and more
4:30 PM, Pullman Bangkok Hotel G on Silom -- 800, 600 under 12
11 November -- Orchestra
Klassikal Kidz at the Siam Society - Third Season
Trisdee na Patalung conducts the Siam Sinfonietta in Beethoven and Mozart
8 PM, Siam Society Soi Asoke -- 500, 50% discount Students & Seniors
14 November -- Art
International Creator's Fair
A wide selection of artists, artisans and designers will be exhibiting
9:30 AM-2:30 PM, Jasmine City Building Sukhumvit Soi 23
15 November-2 December (Thursdays-Sundays) -- Pops
Simply Barbra and Simply Barbra and Frank
Impersonators Steven Brinberg and Richard Shelton create magic and timeless songs
8:30 PM, The Living Room, Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit -- 1700 & 1900, Dinner Shows available
16 November -- Art/Workshop
Watercolour Workshop with Louise Truslow
Suitable for beginners and those wishing to refresh their skills
British Club -- 2400 Baht including lunch and refreshments
For more information please email louise@louisetruslow.com
17 November -- Art/Crafts
ThaiCraft Fair - Special feature
Decorate your own Christmas ornaments with Lao Song artisans for 95 Baht each.
KID'S CORNER from Nancy Chandler: Let the kids enjoy fun activities while you shop
GREEN MARKET: Fresh organic vegetables and groceries
FAIR TRADE COFFEE: Taste premium coffee from the hills of the North at our Fair Cup Cafe
For more information please call 02-676-0636-8, email info@thaicraft.org or visit http://www.thaicraft.org.
Special DIY Workshop: Decorate your own Christmas ornaments with Lao Song artisans
10 AM-3 PM, Bangkok Prep School, Sukhumvit Soi 53 next to the Thong Lor BTS Station
17 November -- Chamber Music
Special Art-Model-Harp Fusion Show
Artist Caroline Faulder, Harpist Elizabeth Jaxon, Model Ciel
7:45 & 8:30 PM, Hullu Studio, 57 Wireless Rd -- 1500 Baht (with wine)
20 November -- Art/Lecture
Kraak Porcelain: An Item of Trade
A Siam Society lecture by Maura Rinaldi
7:30 PM, Siam Society Sukhumvit Soi Asoke -- 200, Students & Members Free
21 November -- Chamber Music
A Flute and Piano Recital
D&M Music Studio presents Linda Chatterton and Matthew McCright
7:30 PM, Siam Ratchada Music Auditorium Fortune Town -- 500, 250 Students
21 November -- Vocal
Stars of Tomorrow - In Concert
15 Mahidol Theatre Department students perform selections from Broadway musicals
7 PM, Siam Society Soi Asoke -- 300, 200 Members, 50 Students
21 November -- Chamber Music
Masterpieces for Violin and Piano
Violinist Jonathon Glonek and pianist Usa Napawan perfrom Tartini, Brahms, Sarasate and more
7:30 PM, British Club Silom Soi 18 -- 600, 200 Students
23-24 November -- Orchestra
Pines of Rome
The TPO conducted by Claude Villaret features pianist Gustavo Romero
23rd-7 PM, 24th-4 PM, Music Auditorium Mahidol University Salaya -- 500, 300, 100 Students
23 November-1 December -- Stage/Dance
The 12th Annual International Dance Festival
Presented by the friends-of-the-Arts foundation
Bangkok Art and Culture Centre -- For a schedule and performance info please visit http://friends-of-the-arts.info/
23 November-10 December, Thursdays-Mondays -- Stage
Othello: A Match of Jealousy
Adapted from "Othello" by William Shakespeare, in Thai with English subtitles
8 PM plus 2 PM on Saturdays, Democrazy Theatre 1034/29-30 Soi Saphankhu, Rama 4 -- 480 Baht
[size=150]24 November "Fest der Deutschen"
Pressemeldung im Original:
Wie in jedem Jahr, findet auch in diesem das “Fest der Deutschen” statt.
Das diesjährige Fest wird vom Deutschen Hilfsverein Thailand (DHV) mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Botschaft Bangkok sowie der Deutsch-Thailändischen Handelskammer organisiert und durchgeführt. Die Veranstaltung findet am 24. November 2012 im Napalai Ballsaal des Dusit Thani Hotels statt.
Der Deutsche Hilfsverein finanziert sich ausschließlich aus Spenden sowie den Einnahmen dieses Festes.
Damit die wichtige Arbeit des Vereins fortgesetzt werden kann, möchten wir auch Sie bitten, den Abend mit uns zu verbringen.
Es werden ein reichhaltiges Buffet sowie deutsche Biere, deutsche Weine und andere Getränke gereicht.
Ein atemberaubendes Programm, welches auch Sie verzaubern wird.
Selbstverständlich wird es auch eine große Verlosung mit attraktiven Preisen geben.
Für die Personen unter Ihnen welche in Bangkok übernachten wollen, haben wir ein Sonderpreis mit dem Dusit Thani Hotel vereinbart.
Weitere Links hier: http://www.dhv-thailand.de/festderdeutschen.htm
24 November -- Chamber Music
A Two-Piano Recital
D&M Music Studio presents Tetsu Mashiko and Masaki Nishihara
7:30 PM, Siam Ratchada Music Auditorium Fortune Town -- 500, 250 Students
24 November -- Pops
Ploenchit Fair 2012
One of the biggest events of the Bangkok social calendar since 1956
10 AM-9 PM, Bangkok Patana School -- 150, 50 Children
25 November -- Chamber Music
The Hirsch-Pinkas Piano Duo Recital
Presented by D&M Music Studio
7:30 PM, Siam Ratchada Music Auditorium Fortune Town -- 500, 250 Students
28. November 2012 um 19:00 Uhr
Auditorium der Thai-Deutschen-Kulturstiftung und des Goethe-Instituts Thailand
Eintritt: 100 Baht, 50 Baht für Studenten
Das Goethe-Institut führt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Thai-Deutschen Kulturstiftung seine Konzertreihe mit jungen Musikern der Universitäten Bangkoks fort. Als Teil dieser Konzertserie findet am 28. November im Konzert für Gesangsstimmen statt. Sie können sich auf ein in dieser Form einzigartiges Ensemble der besten Künstler der verschiedenen Universitäten freuen.
29 November -- Pops/Jazz
The Sophie Alour Trio in Concert
Presented by Alliance Francaise Bangkok
7:30 PM, Alliance Francaise Auditorium Sathorn Tai Rd -- 400 Baht, 250 Members & Students
29 November-21 December -- Art
Traces of Thought
An exhibit of paintings by five art teachers from Rajamangala University of Technology
9 AM-10 PM Daily, V64 Art Studio, 143/19 Chaengwattana Soi1 Yak 6 (Vibhavadi 64 Rd)
4 December -- Pops/Jazz
Martin Taylor Exclusively (A)-Live in Bangkok
Hailed by Jazz Times Magazine as “Europe’s finest guitarist”
7 PM, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre Auditorium -- 1800, 1000 Students from ThaiTicketmajor
4-5 December -- Opera
The Silent Prince
Adaptation of the Buddhist fold tale of Temiya the Silent Prince by Somtow Sucharitkul
8 PM, Thailand Cultural Centre Main Hall -- Tickets will be available from ThaiTicketmajor
7-8 December -- Art/Crafts
2-Day Special ThaiCraft Fair at Bumrungrad
A great opportunity for shopping for gifts for the Holiday Season
9 AM-5 PM, Main Lobby Bumrungrad Hospital
7-8 December -- Orchestra
King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Birthday
The TPO conducted by Alfonso Scarano features pianist Lambis Vassiliadis
7th-7 PM, 8th-4 PM, Music Auditorium Mahidol University Salaya -- 500, 300, 100 Students
8 December -- Orchestra
Great Melodies from Popular Music's Golden Age
Federico Mondelci is saxophone soloist and conducts the BSO with soprano Christina Zavalloni
8 PM, Thailand Cultural Centre Main Hall -- 2500, 2000, 1500, 1000, 500 Baht
The Bangkok Symphony Orchestra Foundation is privileged to be invited by the Department of Cultural Promotion, Ministry of Culture to assist in the Celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the King's 84th Birthday Anniversary 5th December 2012 by presenting the series "Great Artists of the World 2012".
Federico Mondelci is saxophone soloist and conducts the BSO in a program of well-known melodies featuring soprano Christina Zavalloni. Maestro Mondelci is one of the world’s finest saxophone players and conductors whose performance with the Moscow Chamber Orchestra in the first Great Artists Series in 2007 received a rousing standing ovation. Joining Maestro Mondelci and the orchestra is one of the world’s leading jazz singers and composers. Cristina Zavalloni has appeared at many major Jazz Festivals. She also has a classical repertoire that ranges from Monteverdi through Mozart to the 20th century composers Ravel, Poulenc, Stravinsky and Berio and has performed at many of the world’s great opera houses and concert halls.
Book your tickets by 10 November and enjoy a 20% discount. Bangkok Post readers are also eligible for a 20% discount (but not in addition to the Early Bird discount). Cut out two mastheads from the Bangkok Post and purchase your tickets at any ThaiTicketmajor booth. Maximum two tickets per purchase. BSO Members: please reserve at the BSO office 02-255-6617-8, 02-254-4954 or email bsof@bangkoksymphony.org.
Book your tickets at ThaiTicketmajor outlets, call 02-262-3456 or visit http://www.thaiticketmajor.com/concert/c...?sid=1533&la=en.
17-21 December -- Stage
5-Day Khon (Thai Masked Dance) Workshop
Presented by Arts on Location and led by great Khon masters
The College of Dramatic Arts, 119 Moo 3 Salaya, Nakhornpathom -- 8000 Baht
21-22 December -- Orchestra
Prokofiev and Shostakovich
The TPO conducted by Claude Villaret features pianist Poom Prommachart
21st-7 PM, 22nd-4 PM, Music Auditorium Mahidol University Salaya -- 500, 300, 100 Students